Monday, January 31, 2011

Best of lists

It couldn't be the end without a best of/worst of list. And, as we reflect on the journey, here are some of the things that stand out:

Favorite outings:

Mr. Bills

Yes, our waitress was great but that’s not the only reason that we loved this outing. (though we did love that she fixed her hair before the photo) And, a local (thank you Eric) confirmed that this is the place for hard shells. Perhaps it started with having to show up two hours early and “having” to order pitchers of beer to pass the time, but we don’t think that’s it either. It wasn’t the gravy fries, cheese balls, crab fluff (ok - true disclosure - we didn’t order that). It was the company! Thank you Heather, Sara, Donya & Julie! (And our unnamed waitress, apparently Mr. Bill’s main squeeze!)

Lexington Market

Two outings. Very different. But both too fun! Big gang for the first one (see posting for list). Sporting our BSSC finery, we ran around the market (only Heather really knew where we were at any given time) gathering goodies. Too much good food. And buried treasure such as Naron candy. A blast from the past! Second trip. Smaller. Bringing in outside food (thank you Trinacria!). Tim and Heather munching on chicken livers. Not that horrible, according to Heather. Tim preferred the gizzards. A true team effort to try it all. (This chicken in the box better than Tyrone’s)


Well, this was our lesson in learning to call to make sure places were open! On our first outing, diehards may remember that nothing was open from 3-5. Amazing that we still crossed off numerous random items (and added one to the satellite list - we love you Wine Source!). Second trip seeing the lights and having a great meal at Rocket to Venus was inspired (Brilliant idea, Sara!).

Clipper City (AKA Heavy Seas)

Donya. Squeaking. Tasty beer. Enough said. (Also the first time we met Joey - welcome to the group!) Also, to add to the satellite list – Heavy Seas beer at the Fells Point Festival.

Outdoor Movies (or lack thereof)

New Moon in Fells. Possibly the best of all worlds when we had an amazing meal (thanks to Donya, Julie and furthest traveled foodie Valentina) and then the movie was rained out! But, the food was delicious and we ate it all (couldn’t finish the smith island cake but I’ll bet no one expected us to). Movie in Little Italy. Couldn’t stomach that movie so finished the food and left! Definitely scheduling a return trip next year (and we’ll arrive early to get some lawn chair space).

H Mart.

Thanks to Tim for introducing us to his favorite grocery store. Only regret is no whole fish. Guess we need a return trip! We followed this up with a trip for Pho (not on the list). And, when will Tim open Pearl Jam - oyster farm/restaurant/brewery/jewelry store/crushed shell repository)? Tim, Tom, Steph, Sara & Heather had a fascinating conversation.

Tour of Samos

Our first big event and still near and dear in our hearts. So many have wanted to try Samos and we certainly did the “tour” right! BYOB, no reservations and cash only.

Prime Rib

Our largest outing outside of the parties. Potato skins were a huge surprise. The fun evening was not. The bright pink meat (closer to red!) selected by Mo and Tim (across & next to Heather) was also not a surprise! Think there were some doggie bags taken home.


Belongs in the better late than never category, although, in hindsight, fall is the best time to hit Ft McHenry. Think most people were hung over post Halloween, but Sara, Kent, Kate, Jeff, Tim and Heather managed. (And ate well thanks to Heather’s great shopping at Whole Foods.)


When you are the only ones in the restaurant, it always helps to have a chatty waitress. And, when it’s your first time there, it helps to learn the ropes (especially when both the waitress and owner don’t like German food). Maybe the last time we are there too but it was interesting, and the Christmas tree and music were a nice touch. (The food mediocre, the beer tasty – as one would expect.)

Opening party

Eight items. Great way to kick off the list. Single highest night of items consumed. (Not calories consumed - that honor goes to the night that we solely had Vacarros all you can eat, it was all we could eat, in spite of just getting one dessert apiece).

Holiday party

It was a race to get everything, but we made it work (and no snowstorm this year). Great turnout and great beverages. Oh and foodie stuff, quite an eclectic mix of leftovers – assorted ham (and veggie ham) items, biscuits, chicken salad and Mary Sue Easter Eggs (yes, purchased in December). Perfect mix to go with the eclectic white elephant gifts!

Cinghale, cinghale, cinghale...

Glasses of wine consumed: 23 (and counting?)

Times told Tony wasn’t there: 6

Others who joined in quest to find Tony: 8

Times that we humored Clark: 2

Overly expensive checks: 1+

Glasses of overpriced port: 3

Free items received: 1

Getting to meet Tony Foreman: Priceless


Perfect way to celebrate the end to any challenge.


Blue Agave chocolate chile bread pudding - where did you go?

Rob formerly of Cinghale - deserted us to Chicago

Naron candy - not really even sold anymore. Why are you on the list?

Only in because we’re in Maryland:

Natty Boh (award for cheapest item on the list!)

Marshmallow & snowball (who thought of this combo? How? and most importantly, why?)

Chicken box (is it really worthy of two spots on the list?) (no)

Shrimp salad (so Maryland. Mary Mervis - so delicious)

Flower mart (still question the crabcake here, but the lemon, peppermint? Yum)

Bull oyster roast (Now we know what it is - and it doesn’t even need a bull or an oyster!)

Pit beef without a door (thank you Mo)

Old bay (it’s everywhere you want to be)

Too hard/obscure

a-rab for fruits and veggies (why are you so hard to find when we are looking for you and why did we wait so long?)

Murky middle (not the top; not the bottom; maybe belong on the list; but not really worth talking about)

Bertha’s mussels

2 chicken boxes

Corned beef Attmans

Black eyed susan at preakness

Pit beef from Boogs (really a ploy to get people to go to an O’s game)

Shoes & chocolate together

Sausages (do we need 3 on the list?)

Peach cake

Wockenfuss - both

Liquid earth



Donna’s roasted veggies

Da mimmo

Bookmaker salad

bagel - gregs




gravy fries




wine market

BES cupcake

MS easter eggs


1 comment:

  1. So hard to cut down to small lists. We felt the need to acknowledge almost every item on the list!
