Sunday, January 2, 2011

Missed items - part three

December 4

#51 - Dipasquales in Highlandtown

After (ok, during) a very fun afternoon of baking cookies at Cathy's, we needed a break for some real food (while chocolate martinis, other fun drinks, and, of course cookies are wonderful - we needed some other, more substantive food too!) What better opportunity than to venture over to Dipasquales for an Italian sub (and veggie for those who didn't want the Italian). It is such a cute market and I can't believe that it took me so long to get there! They were just closing so there was no real time to look around - we just picked up the sandwiches and headed back to Cathy's. But the subs were as good as everyone says they are. Even the veggie was flavorful (no green peppers here!) and of course, the Italian sub was supposedly incredible.

Because we couldn't rely solely on the subs, we decided to get #62 - a few mozzarella pies from Matthews pizza. For those of you keeping track, this is the third time this year we've done this one. Its just so good, we couldn't resist! I think we also threw in a meat pie too for those who wanted a little something extra.

The food helped bring us down from our sugar high, but the fun continued way into the night - particularly when Ryan played his first pool game ever with partner Cathy. They proved to be a winning team!

1 comment:

  1. I know this post isn't about the cookies, but one needs to understand how many cookies there actually were! And yes, we managed to still eat pizza & subs.
