Sunday, January 2, 2011

Missed items - part one

Well, as odd as it feels to post events after we finished the challenge, we have just realized that there are 7 that were not written up. And, they really shouldn't be forgotten. So this is the first of a couple of posts about other fun times along the way...

October 31

#12 - Breakfast at Blue Moon Cafe

After a very fun halloween where all of us dressed up like it was St. Patrick's Day (happy birthday again Heather!), six of us made it until the end of the night wanting a late night breakfast at Blue Moon. Unlike the late night at the Bel Loc (still can't believe it could be called late night when they close at 10!), this was true late night style. Fantastic meal (omlettes and scrambles all around). Wish it was more memorable (but it was very yummy and one of the favorite items on the list). Breakfast is never disappointing here - especially after a fun night in fells! Several newcomers joined this group - now remind me who was there again? Sorry - did I mention it was two months ago and memory is not necessarily my strong point!

#80 - picnic at Ft. McHenry

Yes, it took us until October to finally make it to Ft. McHenry. And, we decided to take advantage of what could be the last nice day to eat outside (in retrospect, an excellent choice! While it wasn't exactly the last nice day, it was probably the best of the rest of the year). Kent, Kate, Tim and new Jeff joined Sara and Heather on the picnic tables on the grounds to eat loads of Whole Foods' finest (thanks to Heather for picking it up!) It was a quick lunch - after all, it is a football day and what better place to go for the game than No Idea? Very convenient to the park. We will have to do this one again next year - and hopefully others will join (and earlier). Always interesting to have a picnic in jackets! :) This goes in the better late than never category and just whet our appetite for more picnics next year!

1 comment:

  1. actually, it was Don't Know! For real, that's the name of the bar. Posting pics soon.
