Saturday, January 1, 2011

#34 - Check out the "hipsters" in Hampden at either Rocket to Venus or Golden West

December 28

Our last two big nights and it's both exciting to be reaching the end - and also a little sad. But, what's to be sad about when you have a block like 34th street in Hampden with more lights than any lighting store. None of us had experienced the true power of it while living in Baltimore (Heather was there once before she moved here - and came anyway!) so it was something that we wanted to do - and got something off the list at the same time. The big goal was to try both Rocket to Venus and Golden West but we had so much fun at Rocket to Venus that we never left!

Donya, Tim, Sara and Heather were joined by Jeff and Erica and had some really good gnocchi, singapore noodles (a little spicy) and veggie wimpies (ok, sliders). Jeff was super excited about his wasabi mashed potatoes. Tasty cocktails, too.

On a side note, we did try Hampden much earlier, in July. However, we discovered that Rocket to Venus doesn't open until 5pm and Golden West which does serve breakfast, closes from 3 - 5pm. So, another trip was required and that's when Sara had the brilliant idea to "reschedule" #34 for the holiday season. Bright lights in Hampden!

(We did end up at Frazier's on the Avenue and were able to salvage the day with #95 bloody marys with old bay rimmers. And, the highlight #20 - shoes & chocolate at Ma Petite Shoe. Even the boys enjoyed the chocolate. No one walked out with new shoes. But, we were so hungry that we ate our chocolate as we were waiting for our meals. Kent, Gautam, Jim from Pittsburgh and Mo enjoyed the bacon chocolate while Sara, Heather, Julie and Kate preferred the spicy chili chocolate and salted caramel. Yum - who knew you could even have salt & black pepper chocolate.)

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