Sunday, January 9, 2011

Foodie Rankings

Some of our favorites and not so favorites. Every time we talked to someone new about the list they always wanted to know our favorites. We've decided to create several lists. It was the best of food, it was the worst of food.

10 Most Surprising (in a good way) - in no particular order
  1. Mr. Bills Terrace Inn (no terrace, in fact no windows, but darn good crabs)
  2. Red Canoe (who knew?!)
  3. Sushi in Towson (insulting to have to leave the city but necessary)
  4. Andy Nelson's (funny that a BBQ place made the top for two non-meat eaters)
  5. Brunch at the Ambassador (definitely sit outside and have mangosas to wash down Indian and an omelet station!)
  6. Cafe Zen string bean rolls (huge roll, huge surprise, look up the photo!)
  7. Dominion Ice Cream (veggie ice cream) (the best way to eat veggies - spinach, beet, carrot anyone?)
  8. Trinacria! (amazing Italian deli - even away from Little Italy)
  9. Sandwich at Eddie's (check out the sandwich board!)
  10. Dog with the works at Polock Johnny's (wasn't expecting that, great on turkey dogs)
Top 10 Favorites (in no particular order, too hard to compare), this one had to go to Eleven
  1. Rheb's buttercreams (best of candy on the list, by far, thank you Christina!)
  2. Smith Island cake from Sugarbakers (you must see the photo!)
  3. Trinacria (yes, on both lists)
  4. Charleston ('nuff said)
  5. Ma Petite Shoe (really, how could shoes & chocolate not make the list)
  6. Faidley's crab cake (the original, the best, the only - apologies to G&M)
  7. Tour of Samos (great food, great group, and BYOB)
  8. Berger cookies & Berger cookie pie! (decadent and worth the calories, a MD treasure)
  9. Chiaparelli's salad! (the best salad, it's all about the cheese)
  10. Tio Pepe Sangria! (way better than the food)
  11. DiPasquales (yum, worth trying all kinds of things there)
The WTF list (aka what were they thinking)
  1. Soft shell crabs on white bread (shudder, shudder, shudder)
  2. Fried green pepper rings at Gunnings (shudder, shudder, shudder)
  3. Fried chicken livers at Lexington Market (although better than gizzards)
  4. MD stuffed ham (Sara's version was ok)
  5. Turkey & sauerkraut (veggie turkey didn't quite cut it, Sara still has a gallon of sauerkraut in her fridge!)
  6. MD beaten biscuits (labor intensive for Julie, we appreciated the effort and elbow grease)
  7. Raw beef & onion (the tuna tartare substitute wasn't bad)
  8. Lake trout & grape soda (looked better on TV in The Wire)
  9. Late night dinner at Bel Loc Diner (it closes at 10pm!)
  10. Fruits & veggies from an a-rab (too hard to find when you're looking for him!)

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