Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last one!

December 9

#88 - have an ice cream with vegetables at Dominion Ice Cream

Of course we have to end with something sweet - and this is a great one. Sara and Heather headed to the Hopkins area to check out this store and met owner Donna who could not have been nicer - and wanted to hear all about our foodie challenge! We sampled many of the delicious ice creams (no garlic in stock - and seemed to bring out their fall vegetable flavors - sweet potato, butternut squash) We settled on the spinach and butternut squash - we needed a lot to serve at the holiday party!

As promised, we served it at the holiday party where we had many adventurous souls willing to try the delicious ice cream. We probably shouldn't have told them it was veggies before they tried it, but we did. And, everyone loved it! Great way to eat our veggies!!

1 comment:

  1. Had to sample the beet, but I definitely had to pass on the cucumber. We kind of said that "butternut squash" was cheating. Spinach was pretty vailla. I think Donna said there was a quarter cup or a third of a cup serving of vegetables in each scoop.
