Saturday, January 12, 2013

Its back...Foodie Challenge 2013 or the Fun Friend Fifty

After a much too long hiatus, the foodie friends are back with a new challenge for 2013.  This list of 52 (because 50 just wasn't enough, but 100 is still far too many) represents what we think are the best and most eclectic items Baltimore has to offer.  We invite you to join us on this journey of food, drink, friendship and of course, lots of fun.

We will be planning some events, but highly encourage all of you to do some of these on your own and blog about it as well.  We are still working on that functionality on this sight so stay tuned for more info.

Many of you already have one to cross off - #49 - pub crawl and New Year's Day definitely counts for those of you who joined us then.

Rules (there aren't many but we do need a few)

1 - Eat, drink and have a great time
2 - Let us know if you want to be notified of group outings and considered for prizes at the end
3 - Someone blogs about the said great time.  Include everyone's name who attended to get "credit" for the outing.
4 - Extra points where noted on the list and extremely fun comments on the blog
5 - Did we say have fun?

Happy eating and drinking!