Thursday, September 9, 2010

Peach cake from what's that bakery? (#28)

The best laid plans. We were going to knock off many items with the Labor Day BBQ but as it turns out, it was not meant to be. And, really, how do you follow up on the "turkey & sauerkraut"? The only thing that could follow it was the peach cake from Woodlea Bakery (but how is it pronounced? Woodlee? Woodlay? No one knows for sure)

The funny thing is that most of us don't like peach, but this cake was amazing! Of course, many of the pastries looked amazing when we picked it up (and the peach cake isn't even that photogenic!) But taste is where it counts and this one was great. Of course, we were hoping that Donya would be there and we could put a candle in it for her b-day, but that was not to be. We will celebrate soon (with I'm sure another item off of the foodie list!!)

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