Thursday, September 9, 2010

the "Chip" salad #14

Our first film night was very fun and productive in terms of food, but not in terms of the movie (see other posts about being rained out). So, we decided to try the Little Italy film. Forgettable title and movie, unfortunately, but, once again, I'm getting too far ahead in the story.

Sara, Heather and Gautam met at Chiaparelli's in Little Italy. And, what better time to get the Chip Salad to go to eat during the movie. Of course, the pasta looked too yummy and since it came with the salad, I guess we really didn't have a choice but to order it! The pasta was good but the salad was much better. Who knew a dressing could be that good?

Gautam left before the movie, but fortunately Julie joined us for good food and better conversation. That is, until the movie started. Then the conversation turned bad (bad screenwriters I suppose) and we got tired and gave up on the movie. Still a fun night. No good luck with movies but great luck with food and friends!

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