Thursday, September 9, 2010

Coddies on a Cracker - #56

Could it be? A posting the same night it occurs??? Wow!

So, after the BSSC happy hour, Sara, Heather & Linwood headed over to Mama's to meet Tim Squared and Mike. Much to our amazement, there were coddies on a cracker - time to try!! Well, Heather and Sara were the brave ones, and they were SO MUCH better than the soft shell crab sandwich (a big worry prior to the first bite). There was the original problem of a place at the bar to sit, so Sara asked Eddie (a stranger) to move down a seat. He originally refused because he and Mike were together (!) and Sara played along. But, then he was mortified that she thought that and ended up moving seats. This started a great conversation as he is from Baltimore and became fascinated by the foodie list (as many are!) He had many pointers - which we will try to itemize here.

He thought our assessment of soft shell crabs is wrong and told us they need to be fried and not sauteed. Not sure its good enough to try again, but point well taken.

Crabcakes - Faidleys is the place but too expensive. G&M good too. Good to know.

Pollack Johnny's is closed in Towson and only open on "the block". Uh-oh. This may not work...

Didn't know anything about Lake Trout - and we definitely need hints on this one! Will keep looking. Ditto with the "chicken box"/Tyrones.

Where did Baltimore's almond soda go? Apparently it was an almond syrup in ginger ale. Sounds yummy. If it still exists, it should be on the foodie list.

Attman's apparently has the original "coddie on a cracker." May have to sample again there. But, its served cold. Huh. When it was $.15 and a coke was $.10, it must have been a better sell!

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