Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chicken box from a Market - Lexington Market continued

The next item on the list was the chicken box. But there were too many choices! Cathy scouted the boxes and came up with a great one. Huge fried chicken. Fries (both with and without gravy for those who wanted to cross that one off the list!) Someone else will need to comment on this one. Good fries. Amusing concept. Not sure about it being on the top 100 - but we've had worse items (with one to come soon!) The chicken was apparently amazing. Juicy, well cooked, good coating. Worth it for the carnivores in the group! Good thing Jeff and Erica joined us to help polish it off (though not enough). They went off in search of other treats, while we did the same and devoured new and exciting treats. This one definitely covered the "touch" function on the senses of the day. Messy, but wonderful!!

1 comment:

  1. yes, those are gravy fries - another take at #69 (because gravy fries don't get old)
