Tuesday, September 14, 2010

#19 - Boog's BBQ at Camden Yards

Sept 14. Heather and Sara headed out to the old ballgame (albeit after first pitch) to check out #19. Both were afraid the season would wind down and they would not have made it to a game. None of the carnivore friends could make it, so Heather had to settle for the Pit Turkey Sandwich. Surprisingly good with the special Boog's mustard and some horseradish, which Sara put liberally on her veggie dog. And, contrary to the O's season, they actually won and won big! H & S arrived just in time to see the O's score their first runs. Washed the BBQ down with a cold Miller Lite and witnessed both the mustard, ketchup, relish race and the crab shuffle! All in all a lovely night. (Oh and the Phillies won, too.)


  1. Looked so good, I almost wanted to eat meat - especially after trying the horseradish which was so good! Perfect weather and good food choice - fun!

  2. Notice Heather's "bowling shirt" from bowling league season 2. Mobtown Strikers rule!
