Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lexington Market Feast -

Lexington Market is a feast for all of the senses - but most importantly taste. Of course, when you walk in the door the first sense that comes alive is the sight. Too many places to look. Bright lights (unfortunately too many are flourescent but that only adds to the allure! Its hard to know which way to turn - unless you are Heather who has shown up early with Linwood and with one swoop around the market, she seems to have it down pat. Sara. Cathy and Cathy's new roommate Lauren (on her first foodie outing!) showed up next and it was hard to figure out what to do first. Good thing Pollack Johnnys was right in front of us - and we were all hungry too! Turkey dogs with the works all around. (no one specified what kind of dog so we figured turkey worked) The works were amazing (as the only thing that Sara tried but they were worth it) - kind of an outstanding sauce with peppers, tomatoes and something super hot. Apparently the dogs were good too. We all downed these as we circled the stands looking for the next prey.

1 comment:

  1. Pollack Johnny's with the works, some really good stuff. Definitely worth going back for! Even good on turkey dogs!
