Tuesday, December 28, 2010

#77 Pastore's Delly

Dec. 28 - Towson for Pastore's

Heather was so wonderful to pick Sara up from the airport - of course, there's an ulterior motive for both - its called #77 and it is Pastore's Italian Delly and Grocery in Towson (not a typo - they really do spell it with two l's and a y!)

Such a cute little grocery store with loads of italian goodies. Reminded us of a smaller Trinacria and more emphasis on the sweet. We felt at home when we walked in when we saw the 100 foodie things posted on the wall - actually seeing that more and more often these days! While the Italian sub was the one on the list, we of course, tried a substitute.

Got a mozzarella sandwich, and, we split, shocker. The nice man behind the counter even wrapped up both halves in two pieces of paper! Sandwich, eh, so so. Came with tomato, oil & vinegar and basil. (Not sure we could see/taste the basil!) Got some olives as well. Decent, not necessarily worth a "big" trip to Towson. (sorry Ryan!) Especially when our new favorite Trinacria is so much closer. But, we tried it, crossed off #77/count #97 and then off to Hampden, hon. Good thing wasn't a huge sub, then wouldn't have had room for Golden West/Rocket to Venus.

Getting closer to finishing. Now that the end is in sight and so manageable, it is getting kind of exciting. But odd. What will we do next year without the foodie challenge. Suggestions?

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