Monday, December 6, 2010

#41 All You Can Eat @Vaccaro's

Dec 6, Vaccaro's on a Monday

Sara, Gautam & Heather braved the cold to head to Vaccaro's for all you can eat dessert on a Monday night. We should have known we'd be in trouble when the waitress warned us that the most "successful" people order smaller desserts first and then see what else they want. She said they generally bring the next dessert after finishing one "round." Well, we ordered tiramisu (asked to bring a smaller than usual piece), apple streudel and cream puffs stuffed w/chocolate hazelnut gelato (baci ball). Doesn't sound like too much, right? Um, actually, this was WAY over the top. The streudel was loaded with vanilla ice cream and a plate's worth of whipped cream. The cream puff was just as big - 3 cream puffs with like 10 scoops of gelato. Needless to say, we ate all we could, but that didn't include multiple desserts for each of us! We did find a smidgen of room to try the mini cannolis (basically any other bakery's normal cannoli!). Heather liked the filling, Sara prefers the shell. Those were barely touched. Vaccaro's 1, Gautam/Sara/Heather 0. Not sure if this is a repeatable outing. Definitely worth returning for dessert, but not on a Monday! And, not all you can eat - just too much! [The waitress took pity on us and didn't charge us the full price for the all you can eat, just the individual desserts.]

1 comment:

  1. And, probably not at the start of holiday season! Just what we needed - multiple desserts right after Thanksgiving! So yummy though - and was definitely a treat to go to the original Vaccaros. Just one more destination place in Little Italy thanks to the foodie list!
