Friday, December 24, 2010

#73 - Raw beef and raw onion on pumpernickel or rye

OK - as previously mentioned it has been a month for eating and not blogging. Here is the first of many posts designed to "catch us up" on recording the memories of this challenge.

As the first of its kind, let's talk about the holiday gift exchange - started a few years ago by a few of us and Heather and Sara keep it going every year. We make fun food, and everyone brings a white elephant gift - always a fun night of laughing and eating. This year, of course, it was going to be all about the foodie challenge and the food we need to "cap off" the year. First, one item that we never thought we could even remotely stomach - raw beef and raw onion sandwich on pumpernickel or rye with a little salt and pepper. Well, that does not sound the least bit appetizing. And, for the non-meat eaters among us, it sounds particularly awful. But, we decided to break down what they were really asking for us to eat to see if we could make it more palatable.

How about steak tartare and tuna tartare for the non red meat eaters? Brilliant, huh? With the help of Tim, this dish reached a reality - and a great one at that! Thank you Tim!!! One of the perfect appetizers for the occasion!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this one probably strayed the farthest from the original, but it tasted way better. Forgot to take a photo, but you can use your imagination
