Friday, December 24, 2010

#7 - Split Maryland Beaten Biscuits with ham on them

This should really be Julie's post. But, I'm going to draft and hope she comments because it is all due to her that we were able to cross this one off the list. I guess the story starts with looking up the recipe way back in January and deciding that it was too much work. So, the year goes by and we are looking for the biscuits. Can't find them anywhere (even Lexington Market! If they are that much of a staple in Baltimore, where can you find them?) So, one night we were all sitting around and realizing that we needed to have them at the holiday party. Julie suggested picking them up from Grauls (or the closest equivalent) and we all readily agreed. (another place where the veggie and "real" ham were put into the menu).

But, she thought better of it. In her words, we had come this far and she felt strongly that she wanted to make these to contribute to the quest (in addition to the great company and sport she had been for so many other items!)

From what we understood, she literally beat the dough for 40 minutes! I guess its supposed to make them light and airy but really they are hard and not that tasteful. But, in this case, it is the thought that counts and makes it really special! Thank you Julie!!

(top photo caption: 12 minutes into the beating!)

(photo - Julie making her biscuits)

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