Wednesday, August 4, 2010

String bean rolls - #82

OK - this gets the award so far for being the oddest - both in terms of place and item. But, overall extremely tasty and does deserve to be on the list. And, now I'm skipping ahead again. So, after Neopol...

Ryan, Heather, Bridget, Jeff, Sara and our new friend Jim headed to Cafe Zen for string bean rolls. The place was empty when we arrived (and not so full when we left). Odd because the reviews we read were good but it is summer in the city. We ordered two orders - thinking they'd be small, but to our surprise (word of the night) they were huge! String beans in a sauce - kind of like you would find on many menus, but instead of on their own, they were wrapped in a heavier tortilla (really indescribable but its the best I can do right now) and pan fried. Hate to think how bad they are for you, but they were so very good to eat. We tried to take the rest home, but all they really did was make Jeff's car kind of smelly. The good kind of smelly (easy for me to say!)

Fortune cookies were a major disappointment as many of us got the same ones (and they were very bad). Would love to return here both for the rolls again but to also try the rest of the food. The menu looked great!!

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