Monday, August 16, 2010

Smith Island Cake #40

OK - so I'm trying to repost this as the third item in our Twilight trilogy and the conclusion to our August 4 - let's see if it works!

As skeptical as we were about the sandwiches, we were all looking forward to the Smith Island Cake from Sugarbakers - thanks to Donya for getting it and to Heather for the beautiful pictures of it - both untouched and a little bitten. The three of us, along with Julie and her houseguest Valentina, met for the evening showing on the Fells Point Pier of Twilight: New Moon. Perfect girls night. Friends, fun and chocolate. Loads of the richest best chocolate around. Completely lives up to its reputation. And, yes, I also know that I'm writing about dessert before dinner but its too good - and the best part!

That needed to be the happy ending for the evening. Right when the movie was supposed to begin, lightening decided to make its presence known instead and the movie was cancelled. Probably ok. The sugar rush may not have lasted through what is supposed to be a long movie!

Sandwiches from Eddies (really?) Yes! #81

OK, of all the items on the list, I probably had the most skepticism about this one. Really a sandwich? Any sandwich? From the supermarket? (ok - maybe more skepticism about Natty Boh but that is kind of an institution. Not a great one. But whatever) And, when to do this one. I guess at the end of a long weekend, after an amazing brunch with friends at Geckos (not on the list but good) - welcome back to town Nando!! And, for an evening concert in Patterson Park that may be rained out. Did I mention we got there just before closing?

And, then Heather and Sara saw the sandwich board. OK - previously doubtful. Not a convert. It was almost too hard to choose sandwiches for Donya, Jeff, Tresa and perhaps others (Kent and Kate ended up joining too and we all partook of the three creations). We tried some variations. A seafood salad (which I usually stay away from but this was flavorful, not too much mayo and fantastic bread). The most amazing veggie sandwich with tomato and mozzerella. A turkey sandwich (basic. I hear good) Definitely a solid choice for sandwiches. And, while we were there, we also picked up Fishers popcorn (though not as good as the one two weeks later at the beach!) and could have gotten many more creations. But we opted for olives and chips instead.

The concert was fun. Company fantastic. And, a good sandwich place the best surprise of all!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pitango Gelato - #33 Part Two

So, Heather and Sara had already done Pitango Gelato, but we need to catch everyone else up to it as well. So, I guess we will have to have it a few more times. Absolutely no complaints! Sara got the chocolate noir and espresso combo (her usual), while others tried new and different flavors. No rain this time. Much more fun in large group of people (more gelato to taste too!!)

What's your flavor?

String bean rolls - #82

OK - this gets the award so far for being the oddest - both in terms of place and item. But, overall extremely tasty and does deserve to be on the list. And, now I'm skipping ahead again. So, after Neopol...

Ryan, Heather, Bridget, Jeff, Sara and our new friend Jim headed to Cafe Zen for string bean rolls. The place was empty when we arrived (and not so full when we left). Odd because the reviews we read were good but it is summer in the city. We ordered two orders - thinking they'd be small, but to our surprise (word of the night) they were huge! String beans in a sauce - kind of like you would find on many menus, but instead of on their own, they were wrapped in a heavier tortilla (really indescribable but its the best I can do right now) and pan fried. Hate to think how bad they are for you, but they were so very good to eat. We tried to take the rest home, but all they really did was make Jeff's car kind of smelly. The good kind of smelly (easy for me to say!)

Fortune cookies were a major disappointment as many of us got the same ones (and they were very bad). Would love to return here both for the rolls again but to also try the rest of the food. The menu looked great!!

Neopol #86

I've got to say that I've kind of dreaded Belvedere Square day. Not because it wouldn't be fun, but because it feels far away. Its really not. Don't know what I was thinking. So, earlier that day, I'm getting my hair cut (no - this will be relevant to food - promise!), and there's a guy (Jim) in there from upstairs who works for Martek. Great company. And, of course, I'm getting ready to head out that night with Jeff and the rest of the foodie gang to Belvedere Square and so I ask if he knows Jeff. Not only does he know him, but they work closely and of course he would love to join us and surprise Jeff. Fun!!

So, Jeff is driving Heather and Bridget (yay- joining us for yet another fun foodie event!) from Federal Hill and Jeff and I meet at my new office building. Jeff's late. So I'm stalling. But Jeff knows a mystery guest is joining and he's guessing everyone under the sun. But, he doesn't guess Jim, and he is more than completely surprised when he arrives - mission accomplished!!

OK - now back to the food. Love the market at Belvedere. Love Neopol and all their smoked platters (we tried two seafood ones - each was so great), and really loved the fact that we could eat the market food while sipping on wonderful wine from Grand Cru. So, let me back up (is this posting all over the place or what??) We order the platters at Neopol, and then most of us got sparkling flights from Grand Cru - one each of cava, prosecco and champagne. Surprisingly, we were split on our favorites but most preferred either the cava or prosecco - no champagne. Interesting! Of the food, the smoked salmon was of course popular, smoked trout not as much , smoked oysters very mixed reaction and the honey mustard salmon was the clear winner. Ryan joined us, and the group was set for the night. Successful first stop - check. Now onto the rest of Belvedere Square...

Change your mind about vegan food #36

After a hard fought game of tennis (ok, who's kidding who, after a fun, close, convivial game of tennis), Heather and Sara headed to Liquid Earth to check out what this vegan food is all about. But we were early - they don't open before 11. So, after killing a bit of time, we went back at 11. Still not open. Finally they did open the doors and we were allowed entrance. It seems like you shouldn't be able to walk in here without ordering a fun drink - so we did. Juice drink that is. (side note - when looking up the exact names of the drinks, I accidentally discovered that this is one of the best restaurant websites I've come across. Definitely one to check out. Scratch that note - now that I'm exploring, an odd child pops up unexpectedly on the site and its kinda odd. Still a good site, I guess, but that was disturbing)

So, back to the drinks. Heather ordered the Antioxdetox - carrots, cabbage, beets and apple. As odd as it sounds (so not very good). Sara was happier with hers - the peanut butter and berries - just what you would think it is. And, it was delicious! Shockingly, we split the most breakfasty item on the menu - a chipwich - which is an everything bagel with melted cheese and tomato and tofu. Very, very good. I'd love to go back to try some of the more interesting menu items - and there are lots to choose from. Tacos or muffaletta anyone? Meatless...of course.

Blue Agave - #79

After oysters and beer at Cross Street Market, we headed to Blue Agave to try the famed chocolate bread pudding (#79). Much to our chagrin, it had been taken off the menu. Thanks to the beer at cross street, we weren't that disappointed (!), and instead ordered the next best thing - chocolate lava cake. Still good, but I'm still upset that we couldn't try the bread pudding. Bring it back Blue Agave!! No need to visit again until they do...

Oysters and Beer at Cross Street Market #84

There's nothing like happy hour at Cross Street Market in the summer so Heather, Jeff and Sara headed there on July 22 to try the famed oysters and beer. While I had of course tried the big beers before (and I mean huge - and cheap-ish), I had never tried the oysters (or sushi but we didn't get to that in time. Guess we will need another trip). So, we tried a dozen of assorted oysters - all of which were great. Salty. Not too huge, but a good size. Jeff loved the saltines. And we all loved the oysters. And beer. Gotta make another trip here on a fall afternoon when the crowd will be bigger.