Monday, July 5, 2010

Foodie weekend - part one

OK. So we are halfway through the year without much to show for it. Heather and Sara seem to be the last two standing though we'd love for others to join and we realize that its time to get serious! OK - time to see how many we can knock off in one weekend. To recap...


First Thursday in Mt. Vernon. Love the outdoor music in the park. Usually. This week not quite as good. But, Sara and Heather meet at Tio Pepe to have some of the yummiest sangria on record (number 23). This is one that deserves a repeat. And soon. Jeff meets us and its off to the concert!

After the show, rather than head to a foodie event, it is too nice a night and we HAVE to sit outside so we head to Saschas for dinner. Feeling like we are betraying the list but, it is too nice a night. Then its off to Walts to celebrate Linwoods birthday for the second time this year. And the first time without Linwood. Thanks Tim!

Friday, well, even foodies have to take a night off


Hampden Day - Sara, Julie, Mo and Heather (brand new iPhone in hand) head off the Wine Source for tasting (off foodie menu, but worth it) and meet up with Kent, Kate, Gautam and Jim (special out of town foodie). Pop in to Ma Petite Shoe (#20) - shoes and chocolate, what could be bad? Skipped the shoes and went straight for chocolate. Only regret is skipping the shoes. They were cute. Any kind of chocolate you can imagine from anywhere. Purchased among the group: chocolate w/burnt caramel & sea salt, can't forget the bacon chocolate, chocolate with chili - wait for the heat, chocolate w/black pepper & sea salt. We could go on and on. Don't get us started. Then off to Rocket to Venus (just a few blocks off the avenue), sadly doesn't open until 5 on Saturdays. For sure Golden West would be open (at 4 on a Saturday, they do serve breakfast all day). Trek over there to feed the ever hungering Mo and they are closed from 3-5 daily. So, we head to the closest place with food. Fraziers - where we did meet the requirement of bloody mary w/old bay rimmer, #95 (and old bay on something other than crabs (french fries!), #89. An old bay Saturday. Almost made up for the Hampden closing of everything in the afternoon. Instead of waiting out the afternoon siesta, we headed back to town and Ale Marys.

Ale Mary's for a few tasty beverages (Heather, Sara, Mo later joined by Kent, Kate, Gautam & Jim) and the extremely tasty Krispy Kreme bread pudding, #67. This is one dish that we need to return to. Seems to be the weekend for that. I guess there is something to the items on this list! They didn't mention the vanilla ice cream but absolutely should have - amazing! Not necessarily bar food, but with something that good - doesn't really matter! Sugar rush didn't help keep us out too late. Of course, as is always the case, some were out later than others!

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