Saturday, July 31, 2010

Artscape - Ostrowski Sausage

Disappointingly, there was not a lot to taste at Artscape. Yes, lots of food that Jeff loved, but not as much for the rest of us. (funnel cake anyone? - ok - that one is really good) But, we did find one of the sausage places on the list, and Doug took one for the team and tasted. With the works. Seemed a little dry but perhaps we should try it again - maybe by visiting one of the shops for real next time.

The best part of this item was that Mr. Ostrowski himself was there - sitting on a beach chair in the back of the tent. That was kind of neat and Doug had a good conversation with him - picture on an iphone (Heather's new one - fun with pictures!) will hopefully be posted soon when we figure out how!

One of the stores is on Washington Street. Probably will try again by actually going there. Anyone in?

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