Wednesday, November 24, 2010

#53 - Greg's Bagels

Greg's Bagels - #53 - at Sara's house - 10/23
Sara, Heather and special foodie guest Sara's Mom enjoyed these amazing morsels. Sesame, wheat and Double Stout bagels accompanied by apricot puree, apricot cream cheese and seasonal pumpkin preserve. Yummy stuff! Can't believe it took this long to try these. Definitely worth going back. The place itself is quite cool lots of interesting bagel choices, cream cheese flavors and amazing sounding sandwiches.


  1. And they say there are no good bagels in Baltimore! These were fantastic and I'm just wondering when we can get more. Glad Rena was around to help sample. The perfect breakfast treat. What's going on this weekend? Got to get more!

  2. Loved the apricot spread-everyone should try it!

    Sara's mom
