Sunday, October 31, 2010

#58 - Bull /oyster roast at a VFW, fire hall, etc

#58 Bull Roast
This one brought us to the far away land of Timonium and the fairgrounds. We needed two cars because we had such a big crew! It was a fundraiser for the Fallen Firefighters of Baltimore County. Held in the 4H Building - lots of tables, a beer truck (serve yourself) and some BBQ and pasta salad & potato salad for the vegetarians. And of course, cake. We enjoyed our beer from buckets (see left pic) - Yuengling and Miller Lite. Seated you'll see Gautam, Sara, Linwood, Jeff (newcomer), Kate and Kent. Heather is taking the photo. A fun time was had by all, sadly, no one else there really talked to us. Ok, we sort of looked like the city kids attending a function, but we came by the event legitimately from a BSSC notification. Food, well, it wasn't really about the food! Kate and Linwood did tear it up on the dance floor.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures really do capture it huh? Sad that Kate didn't win the tv, but she gave it a good effort. Yes, highlights were the people watching and definitely the buckets of beer! Also, a fantastic cause and loads of good stories from the dance floor!
