Sunday, October 31, 2010

#61 - Gunnings green pepper rings

Yes, that really is fried green pepper rings dusted with powdered sugar. And, yes, it does taste as awful as you would think! Out of the whole order, we ate about 1 between the four of us. Sara, Tom, Eric (new to foodie outings, based on this, might be his one and only) and Heather. It was certainly an interesting way to "christen" Tom's new house. Ironic that Sara and Heather brought the gnarly fried food while Tom and Eric were WAY more civilized. We all enjoyed Eric's heirloom tomato, mozzarella stacks topped with a bit of jalapeno.
Gunning's, aside from the green pepper rings, is a place definitely worth going back to. It's a huge crab place and looks like fun. We still don't exactly understand how this fried horridness made the 100 things foodie list. It's certainly not making our list. It's Heather's bottom item, Sara is still sticking with the softshell crab sandwich as the worst.

#99, #68 and #64 - Towson (area)

#99 - Sushi in Towson, #68 - Andy Nelson's BBQ and #64 - Late Night Bel Loc Diner

Ryan, Donya, Sara and Heather headed out to Towson for some foodie fun. Started with sushi at Sushi Hana (oops, no photos) - Donya said "best avocado roll ever"! Pretty good stuff. Didn't want to fill up too much, because we had two more stops. From there it was off to Andy Nelson's BBQ (they were closing at 9pm and it was getting close). Swooped in, ordered some turkey and beer bbq and of course, potato wedges. Really a pleasant surprise! That was some tasty bbq and the yellow sauce was to die for. Highly recommend it. Then, a brief stop at Hi-Tops for a drink before hitting the Bel-Loc. (And getting the driving tour of Ryan's 'hood. We now know where he takes his drycleaning, gets his car washed, picks up his meds, mom's car place, you get the idea!
The list said "late night at Bel-Loc" but when we arrived around 10:30, we saw it closed at 11pm, so we fulfilled that piece of it. It was the type of place that greets you with the strong aroma and smokiness of years of greasy food being cooked and the waitresses that have been there as well. Hons flowed throughout the dining experience. Our waitress was a little disappointed when the ladies only shared 1 piece of pie. She said she was going to compliment us and call us the Kardashian sisters, but then thought better of it. Although Ryan did get brownie points for his rootbeer float, that he consumed sip by sip from a very small spoon!
After all that suburban fun we decided to call it a night.

#58 - Bull /oyster roast at a VFW, fire hall, etc

#58 Bull Roast
This one brought us to the far away land of Timonium and the fairgrounds. We needed two cars because we had such a big crew! It was a fundraiser for the Fallen Firefighters of Baltimore County. Held in the 4H Building - lots of tables, a beer truck (serve yourself) and some BBQ and pasta salad & potato salad for the vegetarians. And of course, cake. We enjoyed our beer from buckets (see left pic) - Yuengling and Miller Lite. Seated you'll see Gautam, Sara, Linwood, Jeff (newcomer), Kate and Kent. Heather is taking the photo. A fun time was had by all, sadly, no one else there really talked to us. Ok, we sort of looked like the city kids attending a function, but we came by the event legitimately from a BSSC notification. Food, well, it wasn't really about the food! Kate and Linwood did tear it up on the dance floor.