Saturday, March 6, 2010

Clipper City aka Heavy Seas

Thanks to Heather for organizing this very fun outing!!! Donya, Heather, Sara, Linwood, Renee, Guatam, Liz & Joey were all present to witness Donya's fun. She showed up in such a good mood and it went from there. All eight of us met up for the tour with Chris Farley. No, not that Chris Farley, but it is his real name. Almost as big, almost as funny, but not quite either. The tour itself started strong (until the beer ran out). This was really Donya's day so let's list her top hits:

Asking Chris for his beer when hers ran out
Baltimore Beer Week is in October - we need to go so Donya can pick up her glass!
Stories of $65 lunches and no food
Seeing wert. Not a great sight but fun to watch everyone pronounce

And, finally, we learned on the tour that sugar in beer means more alcohol so we were right to add sugar to Ryan's beer in Max's. Ryan - you are welcome! We decided that Donya,Ryan and Jeff could be the new reality show - The New Three's Company.